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2D Art

A collection of personal art and figure studies from classes.

Abandoned Places

A background design exercise done for my Visual Development class. We were to choose a theme and create five exterior location sketches based off of that, and I ended up choosing "Abandoned Places." Had a lot of fun with this one!

Visual Development Final Project

Final project completed for a Visual Development class. We were tasked with designing a room and three props. I set out to create a lived-in college dorm space with four different lighting scenarios.

Fruit Stand 

Another project done for my VisDev class where we got to create a fruit stand of our own design.

Falconer Character Design

Extra assignment done for my VisDev class. Parameters were to come up with an idea for a character and draw out some rough concept sketches for it!

Medieval Cleaver Prop Concept

Prop assignment for my VisDev class.

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